Rundgangskino- TERRACE INN

My plane has landed. The bus takes me about 40 minutes up the rocky path to the Terrace Inn. After leaving my luggage in the room, I take the elevator down to the lobby to finally enjoy the view the hotel is known for. The reason why I’m actually here. It is said that anyone who looks at the river once sits at least 3 hours in front of it because he cannot escape its hypnotising flow. I do not feel elevated above any of my fellows or anyone else in this landscape because we share the same love – that’s the love of film. I don’t know where I’d be without it. Please, sit next to me. Take a deep breath and enjoy the pouring experience.

with works by:

Lion Sauterleute & Vanessa Opoku
Fellipe Vergani
JP Langer
Paula Ábalos
Nicolás Astorga
Max Wigger
Helena Kühnemann
Noah Evenius
Caro Eibl
Arnold Trautwein & Lissy Willberg
Louis Hay
Miguel Wysocki
Felix Schütze
Minhye Chu
Stefania Smolkina
Moritz von Schurer

Room 2.41

Filmprogramm Teil 1

Filmprogramm Teil 1