Die Klasse besucht die Konferenz zu KI an AdbK München: If AI is the answer – what was the question again? with Elisa Giardina Papa, Orit Halpern, Francis Hunger, Vladan Joler, Kevin B. Lee, RYBN, Felix Stalder, Hito Steyerl; sie macht einen Austausch mit der Emergent Digital Media class von Hito Steyerl und Francis Hunger. Auf dem Programm stehen ausserdem diverse Ausstellungsbesuche mit guided tours in München: Kunstverein, Haus der Kunst, Architekturmuseum und das Dokumentationszentrum Nationalsozialismus.
The class attends the conference on AI at AdbK Munich: If AI is the answer – what was the question again? with Elisa Giardina Papa, Orit Halpern, Francis Hunger, Vladan Joler, Kevin B. Lee, RYBN, Felix Stalder, Hito Steyerl; the programme includes an exchange with the Emergent Digital Media class by Hito Steyerl and Francis Hunger. The programme also includes various exhibition visits with guided tours in Munich: Kunstverein, Haus der Kunst, Architekturmuseum and the Documentation Centre for National Socialism.